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Natural ways to make your teeth white and sparkling

There are a lot of synthetic teeth whitener products out there. We tend to change from one product to the other without yielding the desired result. Sometimes, they actually yield result with severe consequences greater than their benefit. We nearly or completely forget the cheap, natural and safe methods of brushing our teeth that will make it whiter, sparkling and healthier.

Today I’m going to share with you few tips on how to make your teeth sparkling white. Obviously some people know this but they don’t practice it.

Using Charcoal to brush
For those that don’t know charcoal. Charcoal is formed when wood is burnt. It usually black.
Get some little chunk of charcoal, Grind it to powder. You can add a little quantity of salt.
Scoop considerable quantity with your brush and brush your teeth
After that, rinse your mouth with water and see how sparkling it is.  One thing special about this method is, you will notice changes in your teeth as soon as you finish brushing your teeth.
Charcoal is not harmful. It is a natural detoxifier. It does not stain teeth. Practicing this daily is the key to removing plague

Coconut oil pulling
This method originated from India and  has been used before long for the treatment of a plethora of ailments.  It does not only whitens your teeth, it detoxifies your mouth leaving it fresh and free from harmful microorganisms.
Get a table spoonful of coconut oil and put into your mouth
Swish it in your mouth for 15 – 20 minutes (Like you are rinsing liquid in your mouth)
Do not swallow it as it is supposed to remove toxin.
When done, pour it out preferably into a garbage can.

Combining Coconut oil and Turmeric Powder
Scoop one tablespoonful of coconut oil
Add a pinch of turmeric powder and then mix them together to have a slurry paste
Put into your mouth and swish for 7 minutes and get it out
Brush your teeth as normal.
Turmeric powder won’t decolorize your teeth but it may leave yellow stains on brush.
Try this a couple of times in a week to see drastic changes.

Turmeric powder has numerous function which will cover so much in this write up but for time sake, turmeric powder  helps  to kill germs, detoxify your mouth, relieve you of tooth ache and brighten your teeth.

Using Banana Peels
Peel the banana off, scrub your teeth with the inside of the banana peel and allow it to stay there for 2 minutes. Or simply use your tooth brush to scoop the inside part of the banana peel, brush your teeth as normal and then Wash it off. Practice this for two weeks to see significant changes.

Use sand in the river or stream
When I was a child, I occasionally used sand from the stream I bathe to brush my teeth. Now before using this, make sure it is sterilized. It can help to bring back the whitish nature of your teeth. Just think about it? We use sand to wash our black pots,kettles etc. They bring back the original colour of the pot same with the teeth. Add a little toothpaste to sand, mix and use your fingers to scrub your teeth. Rinse with plenty water. This method is highly effective and cheap.

Do have a nice day!


  1. Thank you so much. God bless you.

  2. I so gonna try the coconut oil method. Tnx you are doing a great job

    1. You're Welcome. I will be glad to hear from you after trying the coconut oil method.

  3. Thank you
    I will try the charcoal

    1. You're welcome. I hope to hear from you soon.

  4. Thank you so much. It's only God that can repay you.

  5. Dental floss is most likely more powerful than some other strategy for cleaning between the teeth. Since it can be attracted down tenderly between the teeth, it can remove nourishment particles and flotsam and jetsam that a toothbrush could never reach.London Emergency Locksmith

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  7. Some of the tools which are used by the dentists can also be used by people at home for personal care. Dental X-rays machine

    1. Thank you for letting us know. We are very curious to know those tools.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You do this every day... and now new research has found that teeth brushing each day isn't just good for your smile, it might also reduce your chances of having a heart attack. Article


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