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Showing posts from March, 2021

Why Having A Coach Is Important.

Set Your Standards High And Keep Them High

While listening to John C. Maxwell, he made one striking statement: " set your standards high and keep them". This struck a chord with me.

Life Is Not A Straight Line.

I remember when I was writing WAEC the first time, I felt like my success was going to remain linear until I hit rock bottom.

What Is The Meaning Of SMARTER Goals?

You might have read or known this before. Could you spare me two minutes and read it down? S.M.A.R.T.E.R S- specific M- measurable A- achievable R - realistic T - Time-bound E - Evaluate R - Review/Readjust. ARE YOUR GOALS SPECIFIC? Before you set any goal, you have to be concise about what you want to achieve. Goals cannot be set amid confusion. You have to clear your thoughts, think deeply and ask yourself the following questions: What do I want to accomplish? Why is this goal important? Who is involved? Where is it located? Which resources or limits are involved? A good goal is the one that doesn't carry every tom, dick and harry in it. Be specific on what you want to achieve. Remember clarity is power. ARE YOUR GOALS MEASURABLE? You have to set your goals in such a way that you know when you are making progress. This is only going to be achieved if you set daily targets that track your success level.