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Showing posts with the label Goal Setting

Why Having A Coach Is Important.

Why Having A Coach Is Important.

There was a time I wrote based on how inspired I was. This means that I waited till I had the burning desire to write. 

Where To Find An Accountability Coach In Nigeria.

Let's start with your personality. Most people don't know their purpose in life till their time is up. You've been so confused about your career choices, relationships, workplace... You don't know what is good for you, which line to take... You keep making new year's resolutions and failing. You keep setting goals and don't achieve them. Random googling won't give you the answers...

Convert Your Idea Into Reality Or Someone Else Will Execute Your Idea.

Six months ago, I had little capital I wanted to use to start a certain business. I did my analysis and saw that it was profitable. 

How To Make Your Dreams Come True Overnight.

By this time last year, I was devasted that my wedding did not hold as planned. My income was far below my plan. I cancelled the proposed wedding date. Many relatives and inlaws were disappointed in me. You need to see how tense the atmosphere was when I broke the bombshell. Despite this setback, I forged ahead to enrol in a Personal Leadership Academy organised by Ldr. Mute Efe. I learned so many skills that saved my life.  After that 1 week back-to-back sessions, I went back to the drawing board and drew a plan B. My plan B made my wedding a success without any debt.  Many thought I  hit the jackpot when I finally proposed another date that worked out well. It was still the same income I had that was still there. But this time light had shorn on me. I knew how to navigate my way through. Why am I sharing this? You don't know everything. The solution to your problem is in peoples' courses, videos, webinars and Academy. But sometimes you feel cheated to pay for those thin...

Who Is A Successful Person?

Ade's goal was to become an Electronic Engineer. He envisioned how to navigate life with his tactful approach but didn't meet the requirement for studying Engineering and finally settled for Physics. He graduated with good grades and was retained to teach in his Alma mater. Today, he is a professor of physics.  Though he is doing well, he isn't satisfied. Many people describe him as being successful. Oko's goal on the other hand was to become a renowned mechanic. He put in so much to learn this skill from 5 different renowned Mechanics and today he owns one of the biggest Mechanic workshops in town. He is doing well and very satisfied. Many people also describe Oko to be successful. 

Examine Yourself Now: Identify Your Key Constraints

Mr Kelvin is a writer with an excellent track record over the years.  He extends his offline activities to social media but lacks tech skills. 

How Badly Do You Want Success?

  As I carried my plate of fried rice enhanced with two laps of chicken to the dining table, little Bosco, one of my neighbour’s sons bolted in and plopped on the chair anticipating a kind gesture. I never paid attention to him, but positioned myself well to devour my mouth-watering meal. 

How To Conquer Learning Paralysis.

As I learnt more about writing skills, I spotted areas I left unattended in the past. This invoked a paralysis.

What Many Won't Explain To You About Unfair Advantage.

While I thought about some unfair advantages in life, my mind exploded with many answers. 

Where Do You See Yourself In The Remaining Four Months?

While I reflected on some things I haven’t accomplished this year, I counted the remaining months and started having some nice thoughts about the thief on the cross, who spoke well about Jesus. What if that less-than-a-minute statement was subtracted from time? What if he hadn’t made that statement? 

For Singles: Fight Ignorance Now

During our courtship, my wife and I  knew exactly the time we were going to get married. We got married 22 months after our engagement. I was opened to her about when we'll get married. 

Why New Year's Resolutions Are Not Good

When do most new year's resolutions fail? Various studies have shown that   80% of new year's resolutions fail by February. New year's resolution is nothing new to people, but many keep falling short of its rewards. It's been practised for over 4000 years through different approaches but has not been made perfect yet.

The Law Of Proximity: Why You Need To Subtract Some People.

Ada was a religious woman who stayed in an area where smokers lived. Three apartments facing hers were inhabited by unrepentant smokers. Each of them brought their friends to form a league of smokers. 

How To Attract Success By Creating An Atmosphere

  Something is so special about Mama Nkechi's Restaurant. Merely passing by her restaurant could hold you spellbound. The aroma from her kitchen is so magnetic that it can stimulate your oral sensory glands to produce saliva that is enough to fill a glass.

Example Of Lack Of Self-discipline

Ali is the best cook in a family of four. He makes finger-licking dishes that can make you forget your first name. 

Goal-Setting:Getting it right with finding the Right Partner- Part I

I proposed to my wife when I didn't have a job.  After my National Youth Service, I was clear about who I was to going to marry. I knew exactly the kind of woman I wanted and the qualities that I needed. When I got a job, I knew where and how to channel my money. 

Stop Complaining About The Weather.

While many farmers are happy with the rainy season, some traders are sad that the rain is disrupting their businesses.

Put In The Effort To Achieve Your Goals

I once had an interaction with one of my pals. He was dispirited that things hadn't been well with his business for over a decade.   He had thrown in the towel a long time ago. But the structure of his business remained. This structure kept deceiving him to think that he was still in business. 

Identify Your Demons And Subtract Them.

When we were quite tender, some things held us spellbound. Whenever we were on errands, we left like a "yours-obedient servant", but one thing or the other usually validated that we were stubborn. 

Sometimes You Have To Lose Friends To Achieve Your Goals.

Last year, a certain lady left my group because I shut her down when she was about to carry on with the discussion on the "Big Brother Naija" show. While it grieved me that she left, I didn’t see any need for her to be in the group.