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Showing posts with the label Beverage

Why Having A Coach Is Important.

I can't smell or taste anything.

Almost everybody is complaining of   the same thing…. Can’t smell, can’t taste.

Simple Steps on how to make Rice Milk

Rice milk  is a grain  milk made  from  rice . It is mostly  made  from fermented  brown  rice  and can be either sweetened or unsweetened. The sweetness in most  rice milk  varieties is generated by a natural enzymatic process that cleaves the carbohydrates into sugars, especially glucose.  This also is another non diary alternative especially for those with lactose intolerance and for vegans . Apart from that, it is a cool and simple beverage anyone can make at the comfort of your home. Lets get going..........

Simple steps on how to make Groundnut Milk (peanut Milk)

Peanut milk  is a non-dairy beverage created using  peanuts  and water. Recipe variations include salt, sweeteners, and grains. It does not contain any  lactose  and is therefore suitable for people with  lactose intolerance  and for vegans. Let's get going.............

Simple Steps on how to make Kunu Drink

Kunu is a popular drink in Nigeria mostly the Northern part of Nigeria. It is made from fermented millet. Nigeria is  the second largest producer of Millet outside India. About 5 millions tonnes are produced every year as estimated by FAO. Millet has a decent amount of nutrients. In India, it is used to make alcoholic beverage but this tutorial covers how to make non - alcoholic beverage from millet.

Simple steps on how to make Yoghurt

Yoghurt is one of the oldest fermented foods which is   widely recognized as a healthy food.  Yogurt  is a milk product obtained by fermentation of milk specific microorganisms, which shall be viable, active and abundant in the product. The overall process is called  Lactic acid fermentation a process whereby  milk is converted into yogurt. Let's get going.......

Simple Steps on how to make Zobo Drink

Zobo  is a Nigerian beverage  which derived its name from the Hausa  language. The drink is made from    Roselle plant  flowers  a specie of  Hibiscus . It has different kinds of names in different parts of the world. If you are not a nigerian and you're not familiar with the name, search for roselle plant on google to know how your country calls it to give you a clue of what we are about to do.

How is Soya beans powdered milk produced?

The importance of soya milk and it nutritious content can not be overemphasized. The advantage of the powdered soy milk over the liquid one is the longevity. The powdered milk has a shelf life of one year if packaged properly unlike the liquid which does not last for  more than 24 hours unless it is enhance with the provision of a refrigerator and stand by light. With the powder soy milk, one does not have to do it over and over again especially if it is for home use. If you want to start with this as your business, get a company to supply you with containers, then get NAFDAC approval, register your business and start with all amount of strength you've got/ Lets get going..........