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Why Having A Coach Is Important.

Work And Pray.

In the Book of Nehemiah,  the walls of Jerusalem were to be rebuilt.  Sanballat and Tobiah withstood the Jews, made fun of them and even stirred up trouble so that they won’t succeed in rebuilding Jerusalem. But Nehemiah prayed and armed his men.

Nehemiah 4:9 “But we prayed to our God. And we put guards on the walls to watch day and night so that we could be ready to meet them”  

Nehemiah 4:16 “From that day on, half of my men were on guard, ready with spears, shields, bows and armour”.

From our context scripture, we see that Nehemiah prayed and went into action. He was armed both spiritually and physically. He didn’t say, “After all, I’ve prayed” and stopped there. 

He didn't wait for God to physically fight his enemies but swung into action. Your greatest enemy is yourself. You cannot excel until you conquer yourself. You cannot excel until you conquer ignorance. You cannot excel until you apply the knowledge you've acquired.

Whether it’s a spiritual, marital, educational or financial goal you want to achieve, you must remember to work and pray.  Don’t just pray and sit down. God is not going to bless the work of your idleness but the work of your hands. 

Many times we have been taught to pray but less often than not, we haven’t been taught to pray and work at the same time.

John Ukpanukpong.


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