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Showing posts from June, 2021

Why Having A Coach Is Important.

Is Your WHY Provoking Enough?

"Oh no, not this white dress again". Those were the words that came out of my mouth a few weeks ago. I neatly kept my white dress in my wardrobe thinking it was well laid. But on the contrary, some ill-looking creatures did what stirred up an unlikely action in me.

I Don't Have A Job. What Should I Do?

If you have been pondering over what to do while you wait for that dream job of yours, then this post is for you. 

The Power Of Concentration.

What is the difference between the hydrochloric acid found in the laboratory and the one found in the stomach? Their concentration differs.

You Have To Stay Healthy To Achieve Your Goals.

An arthritis patient who is a herdsman cannot function well in carrying his cattle from one place to another. 

Work And Pray.

In the Book of Nehemiah,  the walls of Jerusalem were to be rebuilt.  Sanballat and Tobiah withstood the Jews, made fun of them and even stirred up trouble so that they won’t succeed in rebuilding Jerusalem. But Nehemiah prayed and armed his men.

How Does Procrastination Affect Decision Making?

Obinna was faced with a decision to make over a new project but kept thinking over it for a  long time. Every day, he got different perspectives but never took a step. Some days, he felt enthusiastic and optimistic about the project, while some days he was pessimistic. He kept on procrastinating over making his final decision to take action until he lost motivation for executing his beautiful project. Are you like Obinna?

Four Reasons Why You Need To Take Action Now.

1. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS THAT IDEA: Just as you are thinking of going to that Eatery to eat, another person is also thinking of going to that same Eatery to eat.

Be Ready To Go All The Way.

Bosco started to read and prepare for his forthcoming examination. Every day, he spends at least two hours preparing.

Do not Announce Your Next Move

Many important things I ever accomplished were the ones I never publicised until I got the result. 

How To Handle Your Fears.

Fear does not go away until you face it. If you allow it, it will grow bigger irrespective of your age and status. Fear kills dreams!

Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

Mr Audu popularly known as MC Bobobo is an up and coming master of ceremony whose influence started growing lately.  Many people have found him to be vibrant and eloquent.

Use An Accountability Partner For Better Results.

Mr Okon wakes up every day, tries to discipline himself to accomplish his daily tasks but to no avail. Oftentimes,  he sets actionable steps but finds himself going in the opposite direction. 

Start With Your Most Important Tasks.

Denis is a young graduate who has chosen writing as his career but has some demons trying to kill his newfound career. 

Remain Enthusiastic Throughout Your Journey.

It's been over a decade I played football. The day I tried to break my inactive habit, I nearly fainted. I have also not been active in watching matches neither am I a fan of any football club.