- Apple cider Vinegar lowers high glycemic index and has beneficial role in controlling blood sugar level. It is highly recommended for diabetic patients.
- Apple cider vinegar contains high amount of chlorogenic acid which help to reduce LDL(bad cholesterol) production, which invariably will lead to an increase in HDL level thereby preventing various heart diseases.
- ACV may help you lose weight, as it appears to have an anti-obesity effect by increasing satiety and reducing the total amount of food consumed.
- ACV is used to alleviate acid reflux
- Apple cider vinegar highly effective for the treatment of skin ailments, from bug bites to poison ivy to sunburn
- Apple cider contains enormous potassium and enzymes that help restore strength
- It can also be used to boost liver detoxification
- At home ACV is used as a cleaning agent because of its antimicrobial properties. It can also be used for preserving food.
- It is used as weed killer, to disinfect fruits and neutralise odours
- It is used for oral hygiene, this can clear off bacteria that reside in the mouth and whiten your teeth.
- It is used as deodorant, for body and foot odours,
- It is used as facial toner and also for aftershave.
Procedure for making ACV
Wash all your apples thoroughly and chop them into smaller chunks
Turn all of it into a clean and sterilized jar
Measure about 4 tablespoons of sugar and dissolve in a cup of water
Turn this sugar solution into the jar containing these apple chunks
Pour more water into the jar containing apple chunks to fill it up
Use a cheese cloth to cover the mouth of the jar. Then use four rubber band to hold the cheese cloth
Keep the jar in a warm, dark place for 3 weeks
After 3 weeks, strain out the apple pieces leaving only the liquid
Turn the liquid back into the jar and cover with cheese cloth and place it back in a warm and dark place until 4 - 6 weeks. You can check it at regular intervals.
Transfer it to another bottle and use.
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