There's nothing as embracing as moving with a hair full of dandruff. While you sit or stand or move, tiny particles drop off your hair. The dangers of keeping dandruff are very enormous. Dandruff can cause baldness, poor hair growth and itchy scalp. More advanced cases may cause intense itching, burning, and unstoppable scratching
Dandruff is a very common skin condition that nearly all people experience at some point in their lives regardless of age or ethnicity. It affects the not just the scalp, but also the ears, eyebrows, sides of the nose, beard, and less commonly the central (often hair-bearing) part of the chest.
Below are few home remedies that can completely clear off dandruff from your hair
Neem Leaves: Neem leaves have been used before long for treating various skin diseases. It clears of dandruff and improves hair growth.
Take a handful of neem leaves, wash them thoroughly and boil in water.
Allow the water to cool and remove the neem leaves.
Rinse your hair with this neem extract after you've finished shampooing
This remedy eliminates dandruff and opens clogged pores caused due to dandruff.
Lemon: Lemon has been used as one of the best natural product to clear of dandruff in less than no time. It has high antibacterial properties that fight against harmful microorganisms that resides on the hair.
Squeeze out the juice of lemon
Dilute with little amount of water to reduce the acidity
Apply generously on hair from scalp to root to tip of the hair
Leave over night and wash your hair.
Repeat three times a week until it clears off
Fenugreek Seed
Wash off dirt in the seeds, soak in water and keep overnight
Turn into a blender and blend to form a slurry paste
Apply genorously on scalp
Wash off in an hour time with water
Repeat process at 1 - 2 times a week
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