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The Power of Persistence

Persistence is the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people. I want you to imagine a carpenter driving nails into a wood. Now, these nails cannot go in properly if he does not continue to use the hammer to drive the nails in until it is well fitted. what if the carpenter had stopped the very first or second time he hit the nail, will the nail drive-in? No, the nail wouldn't have driven in because for it to be well fitted, it needs persistence.

 For you to face life’s challenges, you have to be persistent, no matter how life knocks you down, that inward momentum should always be there to bring you up again. Even the bible tells us a story of a woman who continually disturbed the unjust judge until he gave in lest by her continuous coming he will be wearied to death. It does not matter how many people are ridiculing you, prove them wrong by your continuous action. Never stop to look at them, 'cause they are a bunch of discouragers.

Many good things in life do not come on the bed of roses. You have to be courageous to withstand them. That is even when your whole strength is gone you decide to carry on until you breakthrough. We must constantly surround ourselves with things that will spur our dreams up. People that will always be of encouragement to us. Click here to know how to live up to the challenge

 One of the reasons many people do not persist is a lack of focus. When you shift your focus from your goals to your problems, obstacles, and excuses, chances are that you will quit too soon. When you focus on your problem, discouragement is bound to set in and when discouragement sets in, a pessimistic mindset begins to develop. Tony Robbins said ‘Identify your problem, but focus on the solution to your problem’. A plethora of people focus on their problems and dwell with them until they are left with no strength to carry on. Dream Big, Find your niche

How to be persistent on a goal

  • Develop the mindset that it is too late to quit
  • Learn from your past mistakes. When you fail, experience goes into your profile. Use experience to go again
  • Avoid complaining by all possible means because complaining drains your energy. Your whole body can be weakened in just a few seconds of complaining
  • Read your goals every day and meditate on your results
  • Be courageous. i.e. when all your strength is gone, let courage pick you up and move along with you through the rough patch.
  • Surround yourself with people of like passion. You are an average of the people you follow
  • Focus is a very integral part of successful and fulfilled men. Don’t go for everything, set standards and follow through with your standards.
  • Make your goals a must.
  • Stay away from negative thinkers, they are very poisonous.
  • Remember to put your goals and ambition into the hands of God.


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