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Example Of Lack Of Self-discipline

Ali is the best cook in a family of four. He makes finger-licking dishes that can make you forget your first name. 

Every time he is allowed to cook, he would gradually select the choicest meat and hide, leaving the rest. 

Whenever he is given plantain to fry, he would nearly eat half of it before it reaches the dining table. This went on without his family members noticing. 

One day he was selected to represent his school in a cooking competition. This would be a lifetime opportunity for Ali to be awarded a fully constructed and equipped eatery if he wins.

Ali did not doubt in his mind that he would win. He had been nursing this feeling that one day he will be known internationally for his expertise in making delicious dishes. Cooking was natural to him plus his years of learning in the best catering school in town.

The competition was fully set. Each participant was given food items of their choice to prepare. While others were busy concentrating on how to get things done, Ali was the first to finish steaming his meat. He tried as much as possible to resist the urge to take meat from the pot but couldn't.

He took one piece of meat from the pot and ate. He was wowed by the taste. He then took another piece and ate. From then on, he didn't know when he sat on the floor masticating all the meats.

As soon as he finished, the scales fell off his eyes and he knew that he had messed up big time. He quickly ran to other participants begging for some portion of meat so he could cook his. He never knew the moderators were watching him from their screen. Right there, the organiser met him and he was disqualified.

Are you like Ali? You always want to eat your dinner as breakfast. You are not disciplined enough to wait till you hit the finish line. Instant gratification is eating you up.

No matter how skilful you are,  without self-discipline, you can't achieve your goals. Your lack of self-discipline will make you lose a lifetime opportunity if you are not careful.

As you strive to hit the top, to be the best, to become skilful, or to become influential, you have to master the art of disciplining yourself to do the necessary things without paying attention to any forms of distraction. 

If you ask anybody who achieved success, they will tell you without mincing words that discipline was one of the ingredients that helped them attain success.

That little habit you ignore because it looks small will one day become a great stumbling block to your progress. Those hidden things you do will one day be amplified in the public glare.

Do not be among the people that "but" will be added when describing them. "That guy is a good guy but...."  This expression will always spoil your market. The consequences of lack of discipline are painful. 

Starve your distractions and temptations so that you can reach that height that you dream of. Self-control is an art that can be learned and mastered. 

John Ukpanukpong. 


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