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Stop Complaining About The Weather.

While many farmers are happy with the rainy season, some traders are sad that the rain is disrupting their businesses.
The weather disrupting your plans is perfectly normal. It isn't a thing to worry about because you have no control over the weather. Worrying over it won't solve any problem. 

 Instead of focusing on the things you can't control, why not focus on the things you have control over. You can't stop the rain, but you can buy an umbrella. The man who complains about the weather and sits at home won't meet his target like the man who decides to buy an umbrella and heads towards achieving his goals. While you are not taking action and complaining, millions of people with the same problem are taking action. 

 Remember, the market will move on with or without you. Nobody will live your dreams but you. Your excuses will only hinder your progress, not the market. 

When the pandemic was severe, some people made more money while many businesses crumbled. The pandemic was something we all couldn't control but some people still went ahead to achieve their goals. 

Poverty has always been. Recessions have always been. Wealth has always been. Dry seasons have always been. Rainy seasons have always been. Nothing is new. Please remember that you are not the first person to face challenges.

In 2019, many people complained. In 2020, more people complained. In 2021, people are still complaining. There's never a time where people didn't complain. Get up, dress up and show up, don't be like most people.
John Ukpanukpong. 

Ps: The photo attached is a shot of my sweetheart taken about a year ago.


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