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How to make customized t-shirts using bleach

In one of My earlier post, I looked on how bleach can be used for the treatment of nail fungus and athlete foot. You  may click here if you wish to view that post. 

Many people know bleach as a whitening agent for clothes but fail to know other areas where bleach can be used. Bleach can be used to make a very powerful designs on clothes. This acts by whitening  the area that the bleach touches. For example a purple colour shirt can be bleached to either red or pink. The side exposed to the bleach will be the side that would be bleached.

Without wasting much time, let us move to the step by step guide on how to make  customized designs of  your clothes with with a simple chlorine bleach.

Recipe 1 
What you will need
A bleach pen
A cardboard
A shirt

The side you want to design should face up
Slowly push a cardboard into the middle of the shirt. I.e inside the shirt. This will help to prevent the bleach from touching the other side of the shirt you don't want to design.
Gradually use the bleach pen  to write whatever you want to write.
Allow it for 5 - 10 minutes and then take it to the bathroom and rinse it with water
Dry it in the sun or dryer.  When it is dry, you will see your wonderful design.

Recipe 2
What you need
colored t-shirts
painter’s tape
felt adhesive letters
spray bottle

Use shirts that are deeply coloured like deep blue, black, red, purple etc.  What I want to let you know is, don’t expect to get it perfect when you do it the first time. I advise you  use one of your old shirts. 
1. For horizontal stripes
Firstly put on your gloves, next spread the shirt on a  table
Next use a painters tape to make a horizontal line. (do it like you’re selotaping  something) if you’ve taped the front side, move on to the backside maintaining the same horizontal line until you reach the end. After each taped line, give a little space and tape again. Double the area you’ve taped with additionally tape.
Then turn the bleach into a spray bottle and spray on the area that has no tape. Turn the other side of the shirt and do the same.  Immediately after 5 -10 minutes remove the tape and rinse with water. If you leave it for too long, the bleach is going to spread to the taped area.

2. Dividing the Colour into two
You can easily divide the colour of your t – shirt by taping the middle of the shirt, then  soak one part of the shirt in bleach. The tape side serves as boundary. make sure the bleach doesn't exceed the taped side. 
Allow for 5 – 10 minutes then rinse. Dry under the sun or dryer

3. Spotted shirt
You can easily do this by spraying your shirt like you apply perfume. Place the shirt horizontally on the table. Then spray carefully. Do not spray it everywhere. Just pick specific points and spray.
Allow for 10 minutes and then rinse with water. Dry under the sun or dryer.

4. Letter designs at the front or back of the shirt
Firstly, get a cardboard and put in middle of the shirt (inside the shirt) This is to prevent the bleach from crossing to the other side of the shirt.

Spread the shirt horizontally on the table and carefully place the letter stickers onto your shirt. Spray the bleach all over the front part of the shirt if it is the front side you’re designing. Make sure the cardboard is preventing the bleach from moving to the other side.  Let it sit for 5 minutes and peel off letters. Rinse with water and dry under the sun or dryer.

This tutorial serves as a guide and an eye opener. Therefore you're advised to search on youtube for more designs.

Do have a lovely day!


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