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What Is The Meaning Of SMARTER Goals?

You might have read or known this before. Could you spare me two minutes and read it down?

S- specific
M- measurable
A- achievable
R - realistic
T - Time-bound
E - Evaluate
R - Review/Readjust.
Before you set any goal, you have to be concise about what you want to achieve. Goals cannot be set amid confusion. You have to clear your thoughts, think deeply and ask yourself the following questions:
What do I want to accomplish?
Why is this goal important?
Who is involved?
Where is it located?
Which resources or limits are involved?
A good goal is the one that doesn't carry every tom, dick and harry in it. Be specific on what you want to achieve. Remember clarity is power.

You have to set your goals in such a way that you know when you are making progress. This is only going to be achieved if you set daily targets that track your success level.
Measuring your goals starts with the very little things to the big picture. The basic questions here are:
How will I know I have succeeded? How will I track my progress?
What information will I use to measure progress?
Many times we set unrealistic goals. Ask yourself: Is it possible to achieve this goal within this time frame and speed?
Is not a bad idea to dream big, but the question is, can you achieve this big dream of yours within the time frame you have set?
It is easier to set goals than to keep them. That is why we have to do our maths very well to avoid frustration.
A lot of people follow the crowd in setting their personal goals. While this is not a bad idea, you have to know whether these goals are useful to you or not. Your goals should resonate with your core values.
Every goal, beginning from the small ones to the overall goal should have a time frame. This will help you to know your success level.
Setting daily, weekly, and the monthly target makes room for accountability. What is the dateline for your target? When do you intend to start? What can you do today?
Evaluate your goals periodically. To evaluate means "to determine the significance, worth, or condition of something usually by careful appraisal and study." You still need to use the SMART tool to assess your existing goals critically.
There is a great need to review your goals from time to time. There is no point in maintaining a goal you have outgrown especially for a long time. Also, when your goals aren't achievable as planned, you need to adjust them to a more realistic level.
Did you learn anything or Do you have any contribution?


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