Making an A in any course can be very easy if you abide by the simple rules am about to share with you. Without wasting much time, let's kick off.
Read before/After lecture:
Make sure you read before any lecture. By this time, you must have collected course outline from your course lecturers. This will give you more clarity during lecture. Also, after lectures endeavour to read that same topic. This will make what you have learned stick. Even the memory of how the lecture went can trigger your brain to remember what you were taught.
Make summary notes
Buy separate notebooks for each course and then make summary note for all lecture materials for each the course. During exam time, you don't need to read those bunch of materials because there will be no time to cover all that. If you make your summary note in one notebook, when it gets missing, you'll lose everything. Your summary note gives you focus on the main point therefore, make sure it conveys relevant keypoints. This should be done two weeks or a week to exams.
Make Audio Recording of keypoints
Definitions and explanation of concepts should be recorded and kept as a reminder. When you are done with reading, you can play these recordings at the background. This will keep your memory fresh. You can also record lectures and listen to them at your leisure time. The advantage of audio recording is, you do not need to sit down and concentrate like studying. You can listen to it while you cook, sweep, wash etc.
Prepare for test like exam
A lot of students only study hard when its exam time. It is easier to get a good score in test than exams reasons being that during test you're relax and there are no courses following it back to back. During exams, there is really no time to read. Real intensive reading is done at the beginning and middle of the semester. If you have a good score in test, a little effort in exams will give you an A.
Get past questions
Often times, passed questions do repeat. A lot of folks get all passed question answered at the beginning of the semesters then go to sleep and don't read. They resume reading the answers of these passed questions during exam time. The disadvantage of this is one; you're reading to pass exam not to know. Two: You'll be disappointed if the questions did not repeat. This is what you should do: First Study very well then pick the pass questions and attempt them. See if you can write something out of what you have read that appears in the questions. Let this be your personal examination after reading.
Read with pen and paper
Remember, reading mentioned here is not like reading a newspaper, its studying. Study with your pen and paper. When you read your book, write down what you understood from what you've just read. If you don't remember, go back again and read. The reason we remember most things in Secondary and Primary school is that we first copy them into our notes before we read but in the higher institution, we hardly copy notes. What we have is lecture materials.
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