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Why Having A Coach Is Important.

6 Reasons why Nobody is too busy

Have you ever encountered problem hooking up with some friends and family? Have they in nine out of ten times told you they're too busy? Yes this can be  absolutely true. Sincere enough, they may not be lying but their ego and priorities make them not to dedicate time for you.

Sometimes a simple sense of humour, smile and laugh can solve your problems

My colleague told us of a life story of an arm robbery attack in a certain compound.

Download Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 31st Edition pdf free

Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry is a medical Biochemistry textbook that is being review every three years i.e new edition comes out every three years. Below you're provided with a free download of the latest edition of Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry released in April, 2018. You can also download  Download 5 Top Medical Biochemistry Textbooks pdf free

How To Overcome Challenges To Goal Achievement

How many times have you put off the things you know if you do them will take you up the ladder? It is high time you lived up to the challenge and face life as a serious business knowing that nothing good comes easy . If it comes easily, know assuredly that it's going to go easily just like this adage says " easy come, easy go".

Writing Down Goals And Keeping Records More Likely To Achieve Success

When my Cyber Cafe business that was booming turn red, I was depressed. Then one day, I flipped through my sales book.  What I saw was amazing.  I was shocked to see how far I'd progressed. I discovered the period that sales were in red was just a few days. My countenance changed and I was basking in gratitude. How would I have known if I didn't keep records?

Sometimes you have to get closer in order to get the real picture.

Towards 4pm today in my area, I wanted to get water in a certain Primary Health Centre. From a distance I saw the borehole locked but I kept on going. Unlike others days I would have gone back on seeing the borehole locked but today I needed water badly so I had no option than to move forward. My intention was to meet those in charge to open the borehole for me to get water. To my surprise, none where there. Well, I continued to where the borehole was. As I got closer almost giving up, I looked at the padlock for the last time.

Reasons why the people you love most hurt you the most.

4 Dangers of Premarital Sex

In the two previous post ( 5 leading causes of premarital sex and   3 most dangerous causes of premarital sex ), we discussed extensively on the causes of premarital sex. Today we are going to look at the dangers of premarital sex.

Reasons why you shouldn't enable https on blogger custom domain

I was glad when blogger added the encryption option for bloggers. Immediately, I enabled https on my blog not knowing I had dug a very deep pit for myself. Early this year, most of my pages ranked higher in google first page but after turning https function on,I nearly lost everything.

Ulefone Power 5 Full Specification ( 13,000MaH battery life, 4G Android 8.1)

In my last post about technology I discussed full specification of sq professional . One of the key things we talked about in that post was how sq professional phone could last for a month if charged to the brim. The major advantage of Sq Phone is its battery life, power speaker and its ability to charge other phones but its operating system is strictly like  any other small phone let’s say an upgraded form of Nokia Torch light phone.