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Why Having A Coach Is Important.

Ulefone Power 5 Full Specification ( 13,000MaH battery life, 4G Android 8.1)

In my last post about technology I discussed full specification of sq professional . One of the key things we talked about in that post was how sq professional phone could last for a month if charged to the brim. The major advantage of Sq Phone is its battery life, power speaker and its ability to charge other phones but its operating system is strictly like  any other small phone let’s say an upgraded form of Nokia Torch light phone.  

3 most dangerous causes of premarital sex

In my previous post on 5 leading causes of premarital sex  I talked on this subject matter but did not discuss  everything there. Today we are going to look at the 3/most dangerous causes of premarital sex. It will surprise you know that you often pack them along not knowing that it contains life and death.

How to cope with Stress

If you're still struggling to deal with stress, then this post is specially designed for you. Following a few tips I'll share with you will go a long way to help you cope with stress whether at school, work, business or any other walk of life you're into. These tips have been tested and proven to be highly effective.

Download 6 Latest Biochemistry Textbooks free pdf Published in 2017

Biochemistry is a fast growing field of  study. To this end everything is not found in one textbook. You may focus on one but use others for consultation and clarification of concepts.

5 Leading Causes of Premarital sex

Premarital sex may simply be defined as engaging in sexual intercourse before marriage. Almost all culture sets sets standards for having sex. Cutting across different cultures, beliefs, religion and traditions, marriage  is the only place any individual is officially permitted to have sex.

Some wrong expressions you need to eliminate

SQ 1000 Professional Phone Full Specification: Charge phone once a month

Wow ! I was chuff to bits when i first saw SQ 1000 professional smartphone. What attracted me at first was the size. I never knew going closer will avail me the opportunity of viewing it's full specification. The more I looked at it the more i wanted it. In my opinion this is the best travel smart phone ever. It does not only provide you the basic functions like nokia torch phones but also provides you the ability to do many more things which will be discussed. The price of this super quality phone will dazzle you. Below SQ 1000 professional smartphone specification/feature and price will be listed and explained. Full specification / Features of SQ Professional smartphone.

How is Akpu (Cassava fufu) made?

A lot of times many people do eat akpu without knowing how it is made. Have you sat down to wonder where it is produced from? Cassava fufu aka akpu is popular in all parts of Nigeria especially the southern part. It is produced from fermented cassava tubers. Akpu can be eaten with virtually any soup. You can also learn how to make semovita here

4 Shocking but highly effective Kitchen tips

Today we are going to look at how to recover your food to normal. I read this recipe somewhere and i decided to test it during the Christmas break. You know during festive period there is always enough to eat. Too much food on the table till most foods get sour, salty or burnt, etc.

Amazing things you can do with GBWhatsapp

When I first knew GBWhatsapp I felt like not using it. It took me up to a month to use it but when I started using it till now it's been amazing. There are so many wonderful features you find in GBWhatsapp app  that you don't find in the regular Whatsapp app. GBwhatsapp is only an app that enables you  to have access to your Whatsapp account. It is not different from your Whatsapp app but has customized features that will ease alot of stress. Another interesting thing is you can run the two apps at the same time. In Case you are wondering how GBwhatsapp looks like,  below I will highlight a few key customized functions in GBWhatsapp that will spur you up to download after reading this piece.